Montella Reveals Where He Will Deploy Real Madrid Star Arda Güler For Turkey’s Euro Opener

With Turkey’s Euro 2024 campaign kicking off on Tuesday against Georgia, national team manager Vincenzo Montella has revealed his plans for Real Madrid youngster Arda Güler.

Güler’s Stellar Finish at Real Madrid

Güler, a rising star, has been a hot topic amongst Turkish fans after a phenomenal closing to the season with Real Madrid, scoring six goals in his final seven appearances.

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Montella’s Surprise Role for Güler

During a press conference on Saturday, Montella addressed the media’s interest in Güler. The Italian coach revealed a tactical surprise, opting to deploy Güler on the right wing instead of his usual #10 position.

This decision seems influenced by Güler’s impressive 45-minute cameo in that role during Turkey’s friendly against Poland earlier this week.

Montella’s Confidence in Güler

“Arda Güler seems to be closer to the right wing than as a #10,” Montella stated. “He played really well last game, and I want to start with him.” This vote of confidence from the manager suggests Güler could play a key role in Turkey’s opening Euro 2024 match,” he said.

Fans Eager to See Güler Shine

Turkish fans will be eager to see how Güler adapts to his new position and whether he can replicate his recent club form on the international stage. His performance against Georgia could be a major talking point as Turkey embarks on their Euro 2024 journey.

The 19-year-old looks set to play a major role for the Turkish national team at Euro 2024 despite his young age.

The attacking midfielder will be under a lot of pressure and this will be his first international tournament.

Despite his age Güler does have seven international caps under his belt and has scored one goal.