Arsenal star Mesut Ozil took part in a Q&A on Twitter today answering a series of interesting and somewhat bizarre questions.
The playmaker of Turkish origin responded to a question asking what rule he would implement if he were FIFA.
It turns out that Ozil would get rid of offsides if it were up to him.
No offside anymore! #Bolzplatzfeeling ? //
— Mesut Özil (@MesutOzil1088) October 24, 2018
He would probably face stiff opposition as the offside rules date back to codes of football developed at English public schools in the early nineteenth century.
In other words the offside rule in some way, shape or form has existed since the inception of the modern game.
I am not sure he has quite thought this one through but then again the man is a genius so perhaps he has a plan to avoid all the goal hanging that would probably take place were the rule to be changed.
Anyway, the fans appeared quite amused and he did have a few supporters for his new proposed idea.
omg smart king
— chey (@angelsbucky) October 24, 2018
Score will be like basketball ???fantasy points all over
— Tarek Emara (@TarekEmara1) October 24, 2018
????? you are wicked bro that not football anymore I had just stay in my opponent goal post @MesutOzil1088
— semilore (@asogba_semilore) October 24, 2018