Arsenal star Ozil gets his hands on a ‘Knight Rider’ style Apple Watch

Arsenal playmaker Mesut Özil could not contain his excitement after getting his hands on an Apple Watch.

The 26-year-old shared his gadget enthusiasm with his millions of social media followers and exposed himself as having a soft spot for Knigh Rider.

Özil likened his new gadget to Michael Knight’s watch from Knight Rider.

The World Cup winner posted an image with his new watch alongside the caption: “Excited about my new cool gadget! It’s just like Michael Knight’s watch, but a real one #knightrider #phone.”

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The original Knight Rider watch had a smaller screen had a system similar to Siri, the Knight Industries Two Thousand (K.I.T.T.) – although the K.I.T.T was more advanced.

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Özil’s love for lions and dogs are well known but it now appears he also has passion for hi-tech gadgets.

The record breaking £42.5 million Arsenal signing has a huge social medial following.

Özil has 9.3 million Twitter followers, only Manchester United star Wayne Rooney has more in the Premier League.

The World Cup winner also has 2.5 million Instagram followers almost 28 million Facebook likes making him the most followed Arsenal player on social media networks.